Month: July 2011

  • alcohol sucks

    i stopped drinking red wine and feel 100% better.

    i am able to control my diet a little better too. i think alcohol messes with one’s self-control.

    my libido is up and my estrogen feels much lower.

    alcohol has a way of changing one’s thoughts and behavior on a gradual basis.

    you don’t realize it till it’s really gone to sh*t and it becomes hard to pinpoint what the cause of the problems are.

    it’s the alcohol. very stealthy alcohol.

  • unlimited reasons for trying your best always

    1. as long as you try your best, there will be no regrets because you know you did everything in your power to accomplish it

    2. creates momentum and energy because trying your best requires a shift in energy and effort

    3. increases self-confidence because you are functioning near your peak

    4. feels good and positive

    5. people will notice that you are trying your best and will respect that

    6. will allow you to come up with solutions that would have stayed dormant if you were functioning at a lower state of being

    7. will increase the odds that you will actually accomplish the desired result successfully

    8. trying your best will expand and increase your effectiveness in all aspects of your life

    9. trying your best will increase your moral, health, and spiritual standards

    10. trying your best will shift your life into a different momentum of existence.

    11. it will unleash hidden aspects of yourself that you only dreamed of.

    12. it will help you retrieve parts of yourself you thought was gone forever.

    13. it will push your dreams into the realm of reality.


  • healthier digestive system (almost there)

    i have 2 major good strategies working for me right now…

    1. time lag my meals. minimum of atleast 5-6 hours between meals. (gives my digestive system time to rest, heal, etc.. not over taxing it.)

    2. blend my meals with highly nutritious, healthy ingredients. (less work for digestive system)

    and if i cannot have a meal blended then….

    3. chew food atleast 30 times before swalllowing.



    i think this is it… if i can stick to it i will be healthier in a matter of days.

    don’t know why it took me so long.. i guess food is like an addiction and overcoming that addiction takes a long time even if the solution is very simple.